Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Two Things to Keep in Mind for the New Year's Resolutions

The beginning of each year brings along with it a huge jump in promises people make, to themselves as well as others, about how they're going to attempt to change something about their self for the better this particular year. And one of the most prevalent, and usually terribly unsuccessful, of these Resolutions is to get in better shape, lose weight, eat better, or some combination or tangent of these. And very unfortunately it IS fairly unsuccessful for most people. And while there are plenty of reasons for this, that would take a VERY long blog to cover. So instead I'd like to cover just two simple things that I'm hoping will help those, or friends/family/significant others of those, make that change they've been thinking about for so long.

The first thing to keep in mind is this, and it's very simple: EVERYTHING COUNTS. Every extra step from the car to the office, every extra flight of stairs taken in lieu of the elevator, every 5 minute walk during your lunchbreak counts towards your goals. Weight loss and fitness don't happen only within the confines of a gym. If you can't make it to a gym, then find another way to get up and get moving. It doesn't have to be rock climbing in the Alps, or running an ultra marathon in the Sahara. Find an activity you enjoy, and go do it!! Every calorie burned counts, even if it's only 5 at a time. It all adds up in the end. Get up and MOVE, it's the only way to get it done.
Along with this first fact, is it's inevitable evil twin: EVERYTHING COUNTS. Every extra mini-muffin in the break room, every extra beer in the evening (no matter how light, lite, or Ultra), every extra french fry with your Paleo Style Grilled Chicken sandwich from wherever. Every extra bad decision, no matter how minute, counts just as much as those extra stairs and steps. Be respectful of yourself, your goals, and all the hard work you're putting into this resolution and push that crap away from your face. Don't make the excuse that you didn't know it was that bad, or you don't know how to eat right. Every human knows how to eat right, just as every human knows that a triple quarter pounder and a bucket of cola AIN'T IT. Don't lie to yourself.

The second point piggy backs on the first one. As much as every calorie burned counts, if you want to make real changes, you're going to have to BUST YOUR ASS to do it. While the human body is capable of amazing things, it's also extremely lazy if you allow it to be. To lose a great deal of weight, or transform yourself into any kind of decent athlete, you're going to have to put in a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. And don't think I'm being cliche here. If you're not pushing yourself to the point of collapsing when you work out, then don't bullshit yourself by thinking you're gonna have that six pack before resolution season Next Year. If you want it, and I mean really want it, you're gonna have to prove it. Not to me, not to your friends or coworkers that might try to cut you down for wanting to make a change, but to YOU. At the end of the day any success or failures you experience affect You, and You alone. Don't blame others for you missing a workout. Don't blame a bad night's sleep on slacking during your jog. If you really want to change, you're going to have to be the one to do the work. Nobody else will do it for you. So tomorrow morning when you get up and look yourself in the mirror, don't let all the negative bullshit that's stopped you before creep up and sabotage you again. Look yourself in the eye, decide then and there that it's time to make a change, dig deep, and do the work! More people than you'll ever know believe in you and your ability to make that change. Don't let them down, but most importantly don't let YOU down.

Best of luck Friends, and Happy New Year!! Time to Kick some ASS!!

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