Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Balance - In Fitness as in Life

Everybody's got that friend or two that go to the gym religiously every single day, every single week, and every single year. But ask yourself, would you describe that person as Healthy? or Fit? One common mistake many gym-goers make these days is focusing on only one area of fitness, generally either Strength/Size, or Cardio-Respiratory. The majority of fitness enthusiasts spend all their time on one side of the gym, either pumping iron, or tolling away on a treadmill or elliptical machine. Don't get me wrong, both strength and cardio endurance are vital aspects of physical fitness. But one must make sure to get a full balance of these aspects to really get the most out of a true fitness regimen.

To really consider the body fit for anything it has to be able to move heavy loads as well as be able to loco-mote itself around for significant periods of time. And don't go thinking that "Heavy Loads" has to mean giant boulders or pick-up trucks (although now and then those scenarios do come about), but how about moving that refrigerator of yours during annual spring cleaning? Or how about hoisting a pack to go camping with your family during the summer? Or even just carrying in an unusually massive load of groceries? Strength is vital in as many ways as you can think of, and has to be trained in order to continue to be a part of your physical repertoire. And it also doesn't need to be complicated. Barbells, Dumbbells, Benches, Racks, and Cables may seem intimidating at first, but let me assure you they are simply tools with which to do work. That's it. Used correctly they're no more harmful than the spoons in your kitchen. And as frightening as the Ogres that dwell there can look on the outside, most of them are extremely pleasant people that would love to help you use their favorite toys properly in order to reach your goals.

While I've got the meathead crowd nodding smugly (and as a former meathead I say this with all due respect), let me discuss the other side of the coin, Cardio-Respiratory Endurance. Ooops, they just stopped smiling didn't they. Fact is Cardio Endurance is just as important as strength. This is the one that comes in handy when your car breaks down (inevitably on some dark back country road) and you need to hoof it to the nearest service station. Or when that dang elevator at work breaks down and you get the opportunity to see how fast you can climb 8 flights of stairs in order to make it to the weekly staff meeting. Your Cardio Endurance is what lets you do things for a fairly long time without keeling over, and makes your ticker tock as efficiently as possible. The fun thing about cardio is that it doesn't have to be done on a treadmill or stationary bike if that's not your cup of tea. It can be done out in the beautiful world around you, and can even be done with those weights from above, as anybody who's ever completed a Crossfit class or two can tell you. Any time you're getting your heartrate up for an extended period of time you're going to make improvements to this type of fitness. And just as you can find thousands of ways to improve your levels of strength, you can find just as many ways to improve your cardio fitness, and you may even have fun doing it!

So there's my two cents on the matter. Make sure you're getting an equal balance of these two styles of training in order to ensure you're making as many positive changes in your body as possible. Neither can stand without the other, and each will make the other shine even brighter! If you have any questions on how to go about including these into your existing program, or about how to get started in the first place there are plenty of knowledgeable individuals who would love to help (Yours Truly included).

Have fun kids!! Get Strong, Get Fast, and Get Fit!!

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